
The Mystery of the Solar Angel

The Mystery of the Solar Angel
por Vicente Beltrán Anglada
ISBN: 979-8880320349
Date of publication: February 12, 2024
111 pp. | 5.25 x 8 in | 195 gms

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An anthology of seven essays on the Solar Angel, extracted from the books of Vicente Beltrán Anglada, compiled and edited by José Becerra. The psychological key to the Secret Doctrine has been revealed in the Treatise on Cosmic Fire. This book extensively develops the theme of the mental principle co-substantial with solar fire. However, a complex technical exposition may veil the Mystery of the Solar Angel, which is very useful to academic occultists but perhaps impenetrable to “simple in mind and pure in heart” aspirants. Simplicity is not incompatible with depth, a truth that is particularly appreciated in the VBA work. This Anthology is further proof of that truth. The Mystery of the Solar Angel is addressed here with equal or greater depth than in the Treatise on Cosmic Fire, adding the personal testimony of an Ibero-American disciple who narrates his experience of penetration of the Mystery from the interior of his Ashrama.

This Anthology ends with the “Pact of Sacrifice” of the Solar Angel, a brief but profound reflection on the function of serene expectation in burning the dross of karmic destiny in each disciple, and an Invocation to the Solar Angels inspired from the Ashram to promote spiritual understanding among the members of the New Group of World Servers. We hope that this Anthology achieves the objective proposed by VBA.

Peso 380 g
Dimensiones 15.24 × 22.86 cm



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