It is with profound reverence that I, the editor, invite you into the pages of this book. The words within these covers are more than a narrative; they are an offering, a bridge for seekers who yearn to walk deeper into the mysteries of existence. They are written not to answer, but to ignite—igniting within you a curiosity for higher truths that have beckoned humanity since the dawn of self-consciousness.
At the heart of this work lies SHAMBALLA, the mystical center of Earth’s spiritual purpose, and its Regent, SANAT KUMARA. These are not merely ethereal symbols but living forces, guiding planetary evolution and the upward spiral of human consciousness. SHAMBALLA resonates as the beacon of divine will and cosmic Love, shaping every facet of life on Earth. SANAT KUMARA, in His supreme sacrifice and infinite presence, epitomizes the commitment to humanity’s progress toward spiritual liberation and alignment with the cosmic plan.
Through these pages, the author—Catalonian mystic and occultist Vicente Beltrán-Anglada (1915–1988), an accepted disciple in a Second Ray Ashram of the planetary spiritual Hierarchy— aims to present a profound reality, revealing mysteries not as abstractions but as intimate truths threaded into the fabric of our existence. If you are drawn to this book, it is likely because SHAMBALLA’s call has already stirred something within you—a desire to reach beyond the visible and the obvious, to explore life’s esoteric dimensions.
This book is written for those who have chosen the disciple’s path, with all its trials, revelations, and relentless demands for growth. It speaks to those who sense that the answers they seek exist not in intellectual analysis alone, but in the intuitive wisdom of the heart and soul. Here, intuition is your compass, analogy your map. To understand SHAMBALLA, you must be willing to release rigid constructs and think in terms of correspondence, timeless principles that echo across the cosmos.
The spiritual path revealed in this work is cyclical, dynamic, and eternal. Just as Earth moves in cycles, so does the ascent toward Truth, Love, and Peace. Each step forward—whether a dawning realization or a surrender to the unknown—is part of an ongoing rhythm that aligns us with the greater divine intention. The mysteries unveiled here are meant to inspire, not to confine, for spiritual progress is never a matter of finality. It is a perpetual expansion, a dance toward an infinite horizon of wisdom and unity.
In reading this book, you may find both comfort and challenge. Comfort in knowing you are never alone on this path—every seeker walks alongside unseen companions who share the same light, the same longing. Challenge because the truths shared here ask of you not passive observation but active engagement, an opening of the mind and heart to resonate fully with the truths offered.
The author invites you to approach these mysteries with courage and reverence. Allow yourself to not simply read but to experience the unspoken energies that lie within these words. Speak when inspired, remain silent when called to reflect. Trust intuition to lead where logic falters. For in your openness, SHAMBALLA’s will can find fertile ground, and you may glimpse what was always waiting to be remembered—the divine essence within you, and your role as a co-creator in Earth’s spiritual evolution.
The author’s intention is not to convey all that SHAMBALLA is; such a feat lies beyond any book. But he hopes to light a spark—a small flame of understanding and aspiration. And with that flame, may you walk the path ahead with clarity and purpose, meeting the mysteries of SHAMBALLA with a heart open to the infinite.
Welcome, seeker, and may this work be your companion in discovering the eternal truths that lie within the sacred silence of your own soul.
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